We are a small group of volunteers with various skills who meet informally in the run up to the Hairst to gather information and function as a conduit for people and organisations who would like to get involved. We are strictly a non-profit making event and we finance ourselves through donations and the occasional grant. All income is spent again at next year's Hairst.
The first Hairst took place in 2004 and was organised by Deveron Arts (now Deveron Projects). It grew year on year and evolved into a community event that is joined and supported by local businesses, the HHDT and Room to Run. The Hairst was always run entirely by volunteers and while the Hairst Festival established itself firmly as a community event the number of volunteers have declined. The Hairst is aiming to generate a greater awareness of the monthly Farmers Market and the businesses in the town as well as giving Huntly folk and visitors a great time.
Our merry group of brave and hardworking Hairstians are always welcoming support of any kind. If you would like to join us as volunteer or make a donation please get in touch. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
The people from the Huntly and District Development Trust with a special thanks to Donald Boyd and Debbie Haefner
Anna Wilson from Huntly Herbs
Mary Burgerhout
Lynn C. Rutter from Commonsense Human Resources Ltd
Ellie and Martyn from the Ethical Gift Shop
Christine Sell
Uschi Mitchell-Schrage
Andreas Ciarán Schrage
Peter Rawlings and the Strathbogie Stage Crew without whom there would be no hot food, drinks, lights or sound.
Pat Scott for her continued support and help.
all previous volunteers who helped to make the Hairst a success.
all businesses, organisations and people who made donations to the Hairst and supported us otherwise.
Mike Davis without whom this website wouldn't exist.
Deveron Projects and the Huntly and District Development Trust for their collaboration, help and creative input.
We would like to thank the Huntly Express for publishing our competitions and ventures and making the Hairst easier accessible and widely known.
Another big thank you goes to TradePrint who were extremely helpful in meeting our needs.
We are looking to promote Huntly businesses who are joining the Hairst theme. We are expecting more than 2000 visitors on the day. They will be looking to eat, drink and do some shopping.
We are aiming to direct visitors to businesses that are situated further away from the square. A large board will be laid out with a map of Huntly showing the location of the participating businesses so that visitors unfamiliar with the town know where to go.
If you would like to see your business on the board get in touch. Tell us which special Hairst OFFER, DEAL OF THE DAY or DISH OF THE DAY you are planning for the Hairst.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
You can get in touch with via email or this contact page or find us on social media.